According to the latest leak online, Samsung is said to be working on Samsung S10 Plus Version with 12GB of RAM and up to 1TB of Storage. They have already told us that the S10 will be coming in 3 variants, stressing that the 5.8˝ model will not be called “Lite”. According to the information, the 5.8˝ will just be the smallest S10 but will still have the same processor and memory as other variants. The source revealed that the S10+ plus will come with a premium version which will have a 12GB RAM and 1TB internal storage.
There will be three rear cameras and two selfies ( 2 in 1) in the 6.4˝ S10+ but the other two variants will come with a single selfie camera. There will be a triple rear camera in the 6.1˝ S10 while the 5.8˝ S10 will come with two snappers at its back.
As for the colour, it will still be the normal black but will add a white option (like a pearl) and sea green. There will be additional colours, e.g.; Blue and Yellow in the other models. The three variants of the Galaxy S10 will come with the anticipated 3.5mm headphone jacks on board and they will launch on the new One UI software.
The Galaxy S10 will be officially announced on February 20 and will be released in the market on March 8.