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HomePlatforms and Apps10 Best Artificial Intelligence Apps on Android and iOS

10 Best Artificial Intelligence Apps on Android and iOS

In this post, we shall be discussing the best Artificial Intelligence Apps for Android and iOS. Artificial intelligence is one of the major advancements in technology as we speak. The amazing thing about AI is that it means different things to different people as it cuts across industry and activities.

Most importantly, artificial intelligence is designed to help reduce human effort and make a man more productive. Hence, in this article, we will be looking at the best 10 artificial intelligence apps on Android that make you more productive while minimizing your efforts.

  1. Microsoft Cortana

Cortana is a Microsoft-designed AI that was primarily built for the Windows ecosystem. However, as the company widened its horizon, Cortana became available for all platforms and devices. This voice assistant ranks among the best Artificial Intelligence Apps. It can help you schedule meetings, track documents, send emails, and much more. It is available for download on the Google Playstore.

  1. Google Allo
Google Allo-Artificial Intelligence Apps

This is a messaging app powered by Google. It helps you perform certain activities like texting via your voice. It is an app that was built for those who want to limit how much they press their mobile devices and use their voice to make several commands. Google Allo can also read your emotion and display an emoji that you can send to the other person.

  1. Hound


Hound is an app that is quite similar to Google voice search and is equally one of the best Artificial Intelligence Apps for Android. By saying “Ok Hound,” the app will automatically bring itself on. Hound can be used for various things including keyword search, obtaining weather reports online, discovering songs,  finding a nearby restaurant, and more.

  1. ELSA

English Language Speech Assistant, abbreviated ELSA, is an artificial intelligence app on Android capable of helping you learn and improve your English vocabulary. The app can help you learn English in less than a month.

  1. Robin

As another voice assistant artificial intelligence app on the Android platform, Robin helps to compose and reply to messages without the user’s physical interference. More interestingly, Robin helps you with GPS navigation as well as set reminders for activities and meetings.

  1. Recent News

This is an artificial intelligence app on the Android platform that helps to curate news across the world. The app is able to learn your habits as well as those things you read online. By this, it can provide you with the latest news and articles focused on those subjects. Recent News keeps you informed and updated.

  1. Siftr Magic

The artificial intelligence app helps to sift photos from your device storage. Since people just take pictures and download numerous images that they will never need. What Siftr Magic does is that it checks your device storage to see those images it believes do not hold value to you. Consequently, it suggests them for deletion so you can have more space on your device.

  1. Socratic

Socratic- best Artificial Intelligence Apps

This is an artificial intelligence app for Android users who have certain challenges with Math. This app ranks among the best Artificial Intelligence Apps for science based courses. It helps users with math assignments. All you have to do is snap your homework and upload it. It will bring methods with which you can solve the math problem.

  1. Replika

Initially, developed for iPhone, Replika is now available for Android users. The app has the ability to hold a conversation with users like a normal human. The conversations do not appear programmed, and is dubbed “The Best Friend App.”

  1. Edison Assistant

The app works seamlessly as its primary aim is to help you reduce clutter. It can inform you of traffic before leaving home, suggest the shortest or traffic-empty routes, and book hotels and events.

Edison Assistant is one of the best Artificial Intelligence Apps you can download on your Android and iOS devices. It streamlines your tasks by connecting to apps & services you care about. Connect and manage your email accounts and calendars from Gmail, Yahoo, Exchange and IMAP accounts, and other services like LinkedIn, Evernote, and Facebook. Also supports virtually all airlines, hotels, restaurants, shipment providers, & rental car companies.

Also, the Edison Assistant can help you remove multiple contacts from your list. It is also called the easily smart assistant.

Timmylehyn Okungbowa
Timmylehyn Okungbowa
An avid follower of the business and tech clime.