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HomeTutorialsHow To Enable Text and Call Flash Light Alerts on iPhone

How To Enable Text and Call Flash Light Alerts on iPhone

Most iPhones don’t have an LED light which makes it easy to tell if you have an incoming call or text message when in a meeting. Now, a phone ringing in a meeting is obviously not proper and vibration still makes a buzzing sound when placed on a table or any other hard surface. This leaves you with only the silent option for this occasion which isn’t actually an option as you might be expecting an important call or text and would like to know the moment it comes in without drawing too much attention to yourself or making a scene in the office meeting or gathering.

This is where the Flashlight alerts on your iPhone come in pretty handy. With this Flashlight alerts, you can make your LED flash close to your rear camera for notifications and calls which is pretty subtle if you ask me as that doesn’t make any kind of noise and you get to see it.

Pretty much like an LED notification light. The only caveat here is that your iPhone has to be turned upside down for you to be able to see the flashlight when it starts pulsing, although you can also see it when your phone is faced up but not as much as when it is upside down.

Now that you know what the flashlight alerts can do on your iPhone and how you can make use of it, we can go ahead set it up. Simply follow the steps below to do just that.

How To Enable Text and Call Flash Light Alerts on iPhone

How To Enable Text and Call Flash Light Alerts on iPhone

  1. Pick up your iPhone and access the settings Menu by Clicking on the Settings App.
  2. Click on Accessibility when you’ll find under General.
  3. Under Accessibility, you’ll see the LED flash for alerts option. Simply Toggle it on to activate the feature.

That’s pretty much it. Now whenever you get notifications or calls, your LED flash will start blinking or pulsing till you pick up your phone. You can now go ahead and put your phone in silent in meetings or gathering in order to keep the phone from ringing and distracting you or drawing attention to you. You can always turn it off anytime you want by following the same steps above and toggling off.

Remember to put your device back to vibrate or ring from silent before doing that though. If you have any more questions about the LED flash alerts on your iPhone or you’re finding it difficult setting it up on your device, do let us know through the comment section down below. We’ll be happy to help.

Obodo David
Obodo David
Obodo David is a senior writer at He likes all things tech but has a keen interest in the mobile segment of things. If he isn't following up on the latest smartphone trends, he is most likely playing mobile games or catching up with his favorite Tv shows.Mobile Gamer || TechLover || Android Soldier || Phone Geek || Future PC Gamer