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HomePlatforms and AppsHow Much Data Does Pandora Use?

How Much Data Does Pandora Use?

Pandora is a popular streaming platform that allows its users to stream Music and listening to podcasts. The platform has an app that is available on the Google play store for Android devices and the Apple App Store for iOS devices. Now, Listening to music or podcasts on the go sounds good but there are a lot of things to consider. Pandora streams different sound qualities with different bit rates (kilobits Kbps) and obviously, the higher the quality of the Audio, the higher the data it will use.

To determine how much data your Pandora App uses, we’ll have to first determine what you currently have it set to. By default, Pandora offers just two options which are Standard and High. Standard Streams contents at 64Kb per second which translates to 480KB per minute and 28.8MB per hour. High on the other hand streams at 128Kb per second which translates to 1.2MB per minute and 57.6M per hour.

Pandora Music

If you subscribe for the Pandora Premium plus package then two other streaming options are Unlocked. The first one which is Low streams at 32Kb per second which translates to 240KB per minute and 14.4MB per hour while the highest one streams at 192Kb per second which translates to 1.44MB per minute and 86.4MB per hour. For better understanding, I’ll list them out below.

Sound Quality: Low (32Kbps) – Premium Exclusive

  • Per Minute: 240KBps
  • Per Hour: 14.4MB

Sound Quality: Standard (64Kbps)

  • Per Minute: 480KBps
  • Per Hour: 28.8MB

Sound Quality: High (128Kbps)

  • Per Minute: 1.2MB
  • Per Hour: 57.6MB

Sound Quality: Highest (192Kbps) – Premium Exclusive

  • Per Minute: 1.44MB
  • Per Hour: 86.4MB

Now that we know each and every sound quality available in Pandora, let’s go ahead and figure out how much data you use.

How Much Data Does Your Pandora Use?

Answering this question is very easy. All you have to do is to first find out the sound quality you’re listening to and maybe adjust it depending on the availability of data. To do this, simply follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Pandora App and Click on the Three lines at the top left Corner.
  2. Next, Tap the Gear Icon next to Settings and Click on Advanced.

From here, you should be able to see and choose the Audio quality you want from the options available based on your package (Premium or Not).

Now, After choosing a particular Audio quality, Multiply it by how long you use Pandora Daily. For example, if you use the standard sound Quality and maybe listen to Music using Pandora for an average of 5hours per day, you’ll need to multiply 28.8M x 5 which will give you a data usage of 144MB per day and about 4.4GB per month.

That’s is of course if you don’t exceed the daily 5hours mark. If you want a lesser data usage than this then you can this to Low if you are on the Premium package. Increasing the Audio will obviously lead to much more data usage at the end of the month.

CEO Marvnic Media-owner of Phonecorridor and other media platforms in Nigeria. I am a digital marketing professional with over 6 years of experience. I love gadgets, cars, and smartphones. My current smartphone is the Google Pixel 6 Pro. I hope to buy Tesla Car soon