The specs of the Upcoming Redmi Note 13 Series models have started surfacing online. We have started seeing the features and specs on various certification platforms. The device is expected to launch before the end of the year, but the Redmi Note 13 Pro and 13 Pro Plus appeared on TENAA. We were able to access the specs from the Chinese Authorities’ platform.
The phone model numbers are 23090RA98C and 2312DRA50C, but we have yet to ascertain which model number belongs to which phone. Both phones were certified by the Telecommunication Equipment Certification Administration (TENAA).
Redmi Note 13 Pro Specs
The Phones have 5G connectivity and a 6.67-inch OLED display slightly above the regular HD+ resolution. There are rumors that the device will come with a 144Hz refresh rate. TENAA also disclosed that the devices will come with two different chipsets with clock speeds of 2.4GHz and 2.8GHz. It might be the Dimensity 9200 Plus powering the phones.
The Note 13 Pro is expected to come with 8, 12, and 16GB RAM with up to 1 TB of storage space. It might have a 5160mAh battery and weigh around 190 grams. The Note 13 Pro Plus could have 18GB RAM and up to 1TB of storage space. It is expected to come with a 5000mAh battery, and both phones could come with a 200MP primary camera alongside other cameras at the back.
We are yet to know the complete specs, but as the news and rumors develop, we will be here to report everything we find. From the early looks, the Note 13 series looks like another serious contender in terms of value for money.