WhatsApp will be launching some new features to its platform. The “Disappearing Messages” feature will allow users to send and receive texts or media that will vanish/delete after 7 days. With competition from Telegram, Slack and Instagram Direct, it is important for the company to be innovative to maintain its followership. The WhatsApp disappearing message feature works in both individual and group chat. It won’t affect messages previously sent or received before enabling the feature. Only admin(s) in a group chat can turn the disappearing message on or off. While for individual chat, either user can turn it on or off.
It is important to note that this “Disappearing Message” feature does not guarantee privacy. Only use it with trusted individuals because before the seven days expiration, the message can still be forwarded, copied, screenshot or even snapped with a camera.
See How to Turn WhatsApp Disappearing Message On and Off
You can enable disappearing messages in an individual chat by following the steps;
- Open the WhatsApp chat.
- Click on the contact’s name.
- Tap “Disappearing Messages”.
- If prompted, tap “Continue”.
- Select “On”.
- Once enabled, messages in the chat will disappear after seven days.
To disable WhatsApp disappearing messages, follow the steps below;
- Open the WhatsApp chat.
- Tap the contact’s name.
- Tap “Disappearing Messages”.
- If prompted, tap “Continue”.
- Select “Off”.
- Once disabled, messages sent in the chat will no longer disappear.
If you receive a media when the disappearing message is turned on, the media will disappear once the seven days expiration reaches. However, the media can be saved to your phone only if your auto-download is turned on. To do this, go to WhatsApp Settings >> Data and Storage Usage.
The Disappearing Message along with other new features will arrive on both Android iOS platforms. The update will gradual, so be patient if you haven’t received it yet.