Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeNewsT-Mobile US Inc To Deploy 5G Networks in the US By 2019

T-Mobile US Inc To Deploy 5G Networks in the US By 2019

According to Reuters, US-based T-Mobile -US number three wireless carrier, said it plans to roll out fifth-generation network (5G) in the United States in 2019.

The OEM has already set 2020 as the year it would fully deploy full nationwide 5G coverage.

The New 5G networks are expected to provide speeds at least 10 times and up to maybe 100 times faster than today’s 4G networks, with the potential to connect at least 100 billion devices with download speeds that can reach 10 Gbps per second.

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Reports has it that  rivals like Verizon Communications Inc and AT&T Inc are also gearing up to adopting 5G technology.

What is more interesting about 5G networks is the insanely fast network speed which has been projected to be up to 100 times faster than 4G.  This means that a QHD BluRay Movie could be fully download in few minutes.

CEO Marvnic Media-owner of Phonecorridor and other media platforms in Nigeria. I am a digital marketing professional with over 6 years of experience. I love gadgets, cars, and smartphones. My current smartphone is the Google Pixel 6 Pro. I hope to buy Tesla Car soon