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HomeTutorialsHow to Check Data Usage on iPhone

How to Check Data Usage on iPhone

How you use your iPhone determines where your data goes. The amount of data pulled from the Internet by smartphones is increasing as they become smarter. For example, because you may get fast updates on what your friends are up to no matter where you are or receive weather warnings while out and about, some apps on our phones are consuming large amounts of data.

The fact that you’re spending more time on the Internet streaming music or video will quickly consume your data. Fortunately, your iPhone has many options to assist you in saving mobile data, and the following are some of them:

How to Check Data Usage on iPhone

Check Your iPhone’s Total Cellular Data Usage Over a Specific Time Period

You can do this by following the steps below

  • Open your iPhone’s Settings app and select Cellular/Mobile Data.
  • Scroll down to the section on Mobile Data. Next to the Current Period, you should see the total cellular data consumption. This part also displays the total amount of data used during the current roaming session.

Check Data Usage of Specific Apps on iPhone

To check your data usage on your iPhone apps;

  1. Open the iPhone Settings app and go to Cellular/Mobile Data.
  2. Scroll down to find a long list of apps. You should be able to see how much data an app has utilized just below it.

This is incredibly useful if you want to see how much data-specific apps or text messages consume.

Check Data Usage With Third-party Apps

These third-party apps can help you monitor data usage in real-time if you’re unhappy with the built-in cellular data tracker or need a better tool to do so.

Best Cellular Data Tracker Apps for iPhone

Data Tracker Lite

Data Tracker Lite is a simple app that lets you track your iPhone’s cellular and Wi-Fi data usage. It’s simple to set up and gives you the freedom to choose the billing cycle and how you want to manage data consumption. You may also use this software to keep track of your daily, weekly, and monthly data use. The app makes it easier to keep track of leftover data, remaining days, and remaining data for each day using clear graphs.


DataMeter is an iOS app that tracks cellular data. You can change the cycle settings and track data usage in real-time with the app. You can monitor your cellular data usage right from your iPhone’s lock screen thanks to the Today widget. While DataMeter is free, upgrading to the ad-free version will cost you $1.99.

Data Usage Plus

This app is a great option if you require a more sophisticated cellular data tracker for your iPhone. Its ability to provide a complete history of your cellular/Wi-Fi data usage sets it apart from the competition. You can take control of your data consumption with features like predictive forecast, daily limitations, and warnings. You can check real-time data use right from your wrist thanks to the Apple Watch app.

How to Use Less Cellular Data on Your iPhone

  • Only enable certain apps to view your data. You can prevent a variety of programs from consuming your data excessively this way. When you disable an app’s ability to use cellular data, it is forced to use just Wi-Fi.
  • Low Data Mode should be enabled. When you do this, it pauses routine downloads and background functions like Photos syncing on your iPhone to save cellular data.


So, these are the methods for keeping track of your iPhone’s mobile data usage and reducing wasteful data consumption. Though the built-in cellular tracker is quite effective, you can track real-time data consumption using a third-party app.

What’s your preferred method of monitoring mobile data usage on iOS? Share your thoughts on the comments section.

Sandy received her Bachelor's degree in Mass Communication from Delta State University, After graduation, she began her career as a content writer at a marketing agency, where she worked on a variety of projects for clients in a range of industries.She has worked with clients in the tech, finance, and healthcare industries, crafting blog posts, articles, website copy, and more.In her spare time, Sandy enjoys reading, writing fiction, watching football, and spending time with her family.