Qualcomm just announced the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2 for upper midrange devices. There wasn’t a snapdragon 7+ Gen 1 or a 7 Gen 2 chipset. The original 7 Gen 1 only made it to a couple of phones released last year. Qualcomm expects that several phones that will be released this year will come with the new chipset.
The new chipset will bring a reasonable amount of upgrades in terms of performance and efficiency. It uses using KYRO CPU core is clocked at 2.91 GHz, and there is a 50% improvement in performance compared to the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1.
The chipset uses an unnamed Adreno GPU, boasting a 2 times performance increase. In terms of efficiency, it is only 13%, which is pretty moderate coming from the predecessor. There are no CPU or GPU detailed specs yet, which is familiar with QUALCOMM announcements. The phones that the new chipset will power will debut as early as this month, so we won’t wait long to find out more.
More Features of the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 1
The chipset has Auto Variable Rate Shading that renders foreground gaming scenes in high resolution and leaves the background in low resolution to save power. There is also volumetric rendering which came along with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1.
The ISP also has a boost, and it’s been upgraded to an 18-bit triple ISP for improved low-light photography. It stacks 30 images into one, supporting 200MP sensors and HDR video recording with triple exposure from two cameras.
Qualcomm’s AI engine offers 2X improvement in performance and 40% battery savings per watt. It uses two Snapdragon X62 5G Modem-RF Systems with up to 4.4 Gbps download. It supports Dual 5G/4G sim cards. Brands will modify the chipset according to how it suits their phone.