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HomePhonesAppleTop 5 Reasons Apple may have joined Wireless Power Consortium

Top 5 Reasons Apple may have joined Wireless Power Consortium

In this post we will examine why Apple joined Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) – the most powerful authority when it comes to wireless charging technology standard.

We have been inundated with rumour about iPhone 8 coming with wireless charging, in fact there rumours suggesting that all the iPhone devices that will be launched this year will features wireless charging , the addition of Apple to Wireless Power Consortium has put more evidence to the on –going rumour.

Apple joined wireless power consortium

Image credit: wirelesspowerconsortium

The iPhone 8 or iPhone X as the case may be (Apple will be ten years this year) has been generating lots of buzz on the Internet and many analysts have predicted that Apple will be incorporating its own made wireless charging pad technology on the upcoming iPhone 8.

About Wireless Power Consortium 

The Wireless Power Consortium is a group of 213 leading manufacturers in a wide range of industries that understand the untapped potential of wireless charging. WPC members include leading makers of mobile phones, such as Samsung , Nokia, HTC,  consumer electronics, batteries, semiconductors, components, wireless power technology and infrastructure such as wireless operators, furniture and automotive parts.

Read Also: Best Smartphones that will be Launched in 2017

We woke up to a clearer reality of this on-going rumour as Apple has now joined wireless Power Consortium. The Questions many people are asking are why does Apple join wireless power consortium? Is the rumour about IPhone 8 featuring wireless charging technology true? Now that Apple has joined wireless power consortium, will the shipment in wireless charging devices going to increase in 2017? Will Apple still manufacture its own wireless charging?

wireless charging

Lots of questions I may confess but no doubt Apple will be featuring some Innovative technologies on the upcoming iPhone 8 and we can’t but wait to see how the next iPhone devices in 2017 look like. We have seen couples of leaks flying around in the internet. We do hope that the iPhone 8 or iPhone X will be a great devices.

Why Apple may have joined Wireless Power Consortium? 

  1. The addition of Apple to the wireless power consortium is an evidence that Apple iPhone 8 will support wireless charging technology.

Wireless charging has been around for some time now but Apple has been lagging behind to utilize this on any of its mobile phones while rival brand like Samsung has been leading the way in this regards. Apple should be known for creating innovation not lagging behind. What’s wireless charging that Apple is yet to feature on their devices?

Samsung will be like Apple not worth the price, ripping customers off their hard earned money. This we believe is one of the reasons Apple joined the wireless power consortium. 

  1. Apple will no longer manufacture its own wireless charging technology Pad. Rumours have been everywhere that Apple will use its own wireless charging pad but this latest move means Apple will be adopting the standard Q1 wireless technology as against inventing its own.
  1. Apple’s membership of the WPC may have nothing to do with phones, it may just be for recognition as the Apple Watch supports magnetic charging approved by Apple and can charge Qi devices.
  1. According to research 9 out of 10 mobile phone users said they will buy a device with wireless charging over the one without wireless charging.  This revelation may have prompted Apple to join the wireless power consortium to start monitoring the industry.
  1. Apple joining of WPC could just be to see how people will react to the development. It could be that Apple wants to see the development that has been made so far in the industry, if its investment in the technology will worth the investment

Apple will launch three phones this year and we are looking around September to see how all the rumours about Apple IPhone 8 and iPhone 8 plus turn out to be. Feel free to leave your comments why apple may have joined Wireless Power Consortium.


CEO Marvnic Media-owner of Phonecorridor and other media platforms in Nigeria. I am a digital marketing professional with over 6 years of experience. I love gadgets, cars, and smartphones. My current smartphone is the Google Pixel 6 Pro. I hope to buy Tesla Car soon