Xiaomi Mi Pocket Speaker 2 has been launched in India by the tech giant. This new Bluetooth speaker is an update to the first one which did really well on shopping stores. The pocket speaker series are known for their compatibility and ability to fit into one’s pocket.
Xiaomi Mi Pocket Speaker 2 Features
The Speaker measures just 3.6-inch tall and 2.3-inch wide. It also weighs less, making it easy to carry about. It’s built with a polycarbonate + ABS material around the lower body for a better grip and rigidity. The top is made out of anodized aluminium as well.
According to Xiaomi, one of the highlights of the speaker is its 5W speaker which was manufactured by Tymphany. Tymphany is a German audio engineering company that specializes in making drivers for audio equipment. However, we have to keep in mind that it’s a pocket speaker, so the sound will definitely have a limit.
Other features include a Bluetooth v4.1 and a 1200mAh battery which offers a 7-hour of continuous playback. The speaker is very affordable at INR1499 and will be available globally for $22. You can get it in either Black or White colours.
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