Earlier this month, the Samsung Galaxy A16 5G appeared on Geekbench, showcasing its performance powered by MediaTek’s Dimensity 6300 chipset. However, a new variant of the Galaxy A16 5G has now surfaced in the Geekbench database, featuring a completely different system-on-chip (SoC).
This latest version is equipped with Samsung’s in-house Exynos 1380 chipset, which has also been utilized in other models like the Galaxy A54 and Galaxy A35. Although a direct comparison of benchmark scores between the two devices isn’t possible due to them running different versions of Geekbench, the key takeaway is clear: Samsung seems to be planning to release the Galaxy A16 5G with two distinct chipsets, depending on the market.
The model number SM-A166P is associated with the Dimensity 6300 variant, while the SM-A166E is linked to the Exynos 1380 version. The Geekbench listing for the Exynos-powered prototype also revealed it was equipped with only 4GB of RAM, suggesting there may be multiple configurations available when the device officially launches. Additionally, Samsung is reportedly working on a 4G-only variant of the Galaxy A16.