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HomeTutorialsSteps to Fix Black Screen Issues on iPhone

Steps to Fix Black Screen Issues on iPhone[ iPhone X, XS and XS Max]

If your iPhone will turn on or is completely black, this post will guide you on how to Fix Black Screen Issues on iPhone easily. The Black screen issue iPhone X, Xs and Xs Max is usually caused by so many factors and we will be trying as much as possible to cover every possible cause of the black screen while providing solutions to each.

With that being said, I’ll like to add that we can only offer assistance if the black screen is as a result of a software issue and not hardware. If it is as a result of hardware damage then you’ll need the assistance of a phone technician. Right off the bat, if there is a red or green line across the black screen of your iPhone then you’d know that it is definitely a hardware issue and the solutions below won’t do you much good. However, if there isn’t s green, red or any color line(s) on the screen then maybe your iPhone can be saved.

How to Fix Black Screen Issues on iPhone[iPhone X, XS and XS Max]

Like i said earlier, there are different causes for the black screen on iPhone and we will be looking at them one by one.

iPhone Black Screen with Apple Logo

If your iPhone goes black with the Apple Logo on screen then you should know that the cause of this is either an app crash or system crash and your phone is trying to reboot itself. If you tried opening an app before this happening then the problem is most likely the app and you’ll need to update the app (if there is an update available on the Apple App Store) for the issue to be fixed. If that doesn’t fix the problem or you didn’t open any app when the black screen occurred then it is most likely a system crash and you’ll have to update your operating system to fix the issue.

iPhone Black Screen and Unresponsive

If your iPhone goes blank with nothing on screen and becomes unresponsive then there might be many reasons for this starting with a dead or flat battery. To eliminate that possibility, you’ll need to plug in using your iPhone using your charger and see if it will charge. If it charges then you can turn it on and that pretty much solves the problem. If it doesn’t turn on then you should probably leave it plugged in for a couple more minute and see if it turns on after then.

If it still doesn’t turn on after that then chances are, the battery need a replacement. Getting a battery replacement is the next step to take to solve the issue.

iPhone Black screen While Phone is Turned On

If the screen of your iPhone goes black while your phone is still turned on (which has been reported to happen to some iPhone users) then you can fix the problem with a simple reset. If you’re using an iPhone 8, 8 Plus, X, Xs, Xs Max or Xr then you can simply press Volume Up, then Volume Down, then press and hold Power button until you see the Apple logo on screen. Once the Apple Logo shows up on screen then the problem has been solved.

If the Logo doesn’t show up on screen then you should try a couple more times just in case you didn’t get it right the first time. Still didn’t work after that ? If Yes, then it is most likely an hardware problem which a phone technician is best equipped to handle.


If after trying all of the above solutions you’re still experiencing the black screen issue on your iPhone X, Xs or Xs Max then it’s probably time to let a phone expert have a look at your phone as the problem isn’t from the software but the hardware which requires a more hands-on approach.

Obodo David
Obodo David
Obodo David is a senior writer at https://phonecorridor.com/. He likes all things tech but has a keen interest in the mobile segment of things. If he isn't following up on the latest smartphone trends, he is most likely playing mobile games or catching up with his favorite Tv shows.Mobile Gamer || TechLover || Android Soldier || Phone Geek || Future PC Gamer